Thursday, December 5, 2013

Shego airbrushing experiment for painting.

I think I found my new love!
This was my first time trying traditional airbrushing, and golly, it was so much fun! I might do some more in class if I have time next week. Once again, it is Shego from Kim Possible. I feel she was the best thing to air brush since she has the glowing hands; so awesome :D

Sunday, December 1, 2013

What I was doing instead of homework :P

I have been on a Kim Possible marathon as of late and I really needed to draw to help me blow of some steam and stress :) Growing up, Shego had to have been my favourite character from that show and my childhood in general.
 And after watching the show more closely with animation trained eyes, I discovered that show was stylized in so many different ways; it is crazy. Expect more Kim Possible art in the future!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Royal Winter Fair 2013

My drawings from the Royal Winter Fair this year in Toronto. I'm so pleased that they turned out way better than last years ;) Another good thing, we didn't smell as bad when we left the place either!
This was my fist time working with the brown pencil instead of blue or graphite, and I feel it did me wonders; especially for the fair drawings.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Painting Assignment #2: Interiors

This painting  also features characters from my current storyboard project as well. I really loved how it turned out for once :)
And the current kitchen theme? Let us just say I watch a little too much of Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen for my own good.

Storyboard Assignment: Oiginal Story Beat Boards

This is our first storyboard assignment where we get to create the story that has the log line "Leave Me Alone" or "Where Am I?". I ended up choosing "Leave Me Alone" where a little lobster tries to find love for himself.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Surprise!

Walked down the hall today at school to see my horse drawing made it on the wall. I almost died/fell on the floor at that point. Best day ever! This was my first thing on the wall, so super excited. Let's try to make this a common thing :)

Layout Assignment: Art Direction

Our second layout assignment for the term. We had to take 2 thumbnails and work them into full compositions. The first one just screamed Assassin's Creed to me :) 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Storyboard Assignment: The Leader Storyboards

My final storyboards for the poem, The Leader. I'm Pretty happy with these, and I am glad I didn't have to redo too many of them; that is always a good thing!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Horse Life Drawing

For life drawing we had some horses come to our school to draw. This was done with conté on newsprint and rook around 40 minutes to do. I know there are some errors with it, but I am very pleased with how this turned out. This was taken with my phone, so forgive the quality :)

Wave, Boat, And Sack Animation

Here is my first animation assignment of Year 2. The wave, boat, sack assignment helps with timing, spacing and keeping objects both rigid and flexible. I had a lot of fun with this one, and I really love how the water splash turned out!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Storyboarding Year 2, Assignment 1: Story Beats


Here are my character line ups and story beats for our very first storyboarding assignment in year 2. They are based off of our own interepertation of the poems My Father by Kaye Umansky, and The Leader by RogerMcGrough. 
I'm going to be doing my next storyboarding assignment with the my work from The Leader story beats.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

More 1st year animation work.

All this stuff was done mainly in the Fall term of 2012. I have my name card from Digital Tools, a sheep I drew at the Royal Winter Fair and then proceeded to colour out of boredom, and finally my painting textures, which I think turned out really well.
What can I say, I just really love textures :)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Here is my final demo-reel from my 1st Year of Animation at Sheridan College. I have a lot more awesome work that did not make it into the reel, put unfortunately I could not fit it all in. I will post more of it later on, hopefully before I start uploading new assignments from 2nd year.